Anchor, bird, childhood, dancing, explore, flower, grateful, help, idlis, jumpsuit, karma, laughter, moments, no, ordinary, people, quotes, run, smile, today, unbroken, valuable, writing, xbox and yes!
Puh! And all that - is just a part of being happy. A tiny part.
For me the most important thing is that happiness comes from within. It does not depend on external things or other people. Always keep the power of your happiness with yourself. Never give it to someone else. Never let anyone take it from you. Guard it. Nurture it. Be in charge.
Celebrate this wonderful journey that life is. Be in the present. Be in the moment. Be here and now. Celebrate, dear friend. Celebrate!
I hope you have enjoyed my humble tribute to happiness A to Z. And in this zum-ming up: what makes you happy? Right now?
1-30 April 2015 I participate in the A to Z blogger challenge, and this post is written as a part of that challenge.My theme for the challenge is Happiness. I hope you have enjoyed coming along.