Writing poetry is a bit of a new territory for me, and publishing my poems is definitely moving out of my comfort zone. But hey, that was a part of my own promises to myself for the new year. To be brave, to take responsibility for my own life like in Caged bird no more, and to Be your own boss, to just go for it if it feels right, and to dare to be brave, even if it means leaving my comfort zone. Sometimes we can even use a gentle push, just to make us dare, to take that first step, to go there. And sometimes life has a plan of it's own, and before we know it, life is turned upside down. Still, there is always hope, healing, and a plan B:-) Yes, you will get through it and you will come out in the other end, you might have to leave your comfort zone and take a chance or two. If you want to go for it, do it. Life is too short for regrets.
One of my favourite poems about this was written in 1924, by the Swedish poet Karin Boye. Her style of writing makes her poetry just as relevant today. I hope you will like this one as much as I do:
You shall thank your gods (by Karin Boye. English translation by David McDuff)
You shall thank your gods,
if they force you to go
where you have no footprints
to trust to.
You shall thank your gods,
if all shame on you they pin.
You must seek refuge
a little further in.
What the whole world condemns
sometimes manages quite well.
Outlaws were many
who gained their own soul.
He who is forced to wild wood
looks on all with new sight,
and he tastes with gratitude
life's bread and salt.
You shall thank your gods,
when your shell they break.
Reality and kernel
the sole choice you can make.
You shall thank your gods,
if they force you to go
where you have no footprints
to trust to.
You shall thank your gods,
if all shame on you they pin.
You must seek refuge
a little further in.
What the whole world condemns
sometimes manages quite well.
Outlaws were many
who gained their own soul.
He who is forced to wild wood
looks on all with new sight,
and he tastes with gratitude
life's bread and salt.
You shall thank your gods,
when your shell they break.
Reality and kernel
the sole choice you can make.