

Be the light

- Remember Eli, over the dark clouds, the sky is always blue!
That is what my grandfather used to say to me. In those moments when the worries seemed unbearable and there was absolutely no light in the horizon whatsoever.

- There is always light in the end of that tunnel. No matter how long and dark it might seem to be. There is always light at the end of it. Was another one. He collected good quotes, my beloved late grandfather, and he never hesitated to shower us with them. Simple words of inspiration. Of encouragement. Of wisdom. Words that could lift you up on that grey day, in that dark moment and when you felt utterly totally in misery. My grandfather would be there and would not leave us alone until that feeling was there. The feeling that Everything Was Going To Be Alright.

He passed away many years ago, my grandfather, but I still miss him. Missing his wise and comforting words. I feel grateful for the legacy he left behind - maybe above all - the kindness and curiosity he met other people with. When he listened to you, he listened 100% , and he was there. Usually with one of his quotes.

- Always be the light in someone else's life, he would say, nodding and smiling like he let me in on the world's biggest mystery: - Always be kind to people. Be generous with your smile. Share a kind word and a question. Show interest - and what do you know - you might be the light in that other person's life that day.

These days, Diwali, the festival of lights, is celebrated in India. A beautiful celebration, the Mother of all Indian festivals. So vibrant, so powerful, so beautiful, so emotional, so filled with hope and prosperity... It's so amazing, and brings back only good memories to me. Happy Diwali to all!

And after Diwali, we are heading towards Christmas. Another celebration where lighting candles and light bulbs plays a big role. A candle for someone or something. A light for hope and gratitude. For memories, love and life.

Light a candle. Be the light.



  1. This post was filled with so much optimism. What a great man!

  2. Happy Diwali, Eli. A beautiful post filled with hope and love the emotions. X-mas is another favorite festival of mine which I find so endearing.

    1. Yes, I love both. Thanks, dear friend:-) Always happy to see you here:-)

  3. Dearest Eli,
    Yes, our elderly relatives did have such great wisdoms. My Maternal Grandmother always would comfort you and had such sayings. Also her brother, my Great-Uncle Heeroom (Priest) wrote a good one in my poetry album.
    They are living proof that they survived many of life's obstacles. As for my Heeroom, only now I realize how tough it was for him without ever having a partner to lean on. He only had God whom he trusted and that too does teach us a lesson.
    I lost my dear Heeroom when I was 18, so loved to be able to one more listen to his words of wisdom and to share our Indonesian experience with him and the fact that we have an Indonesian foster daughter... But in a way, we stil can communicate; that I do believe deep in my heart.
    At least you got some treasures in your heart and indeed, life will look different once again. Just be patient and trust!

    1. Dear Mariette, That is wonderful - we have good memories for sure, thanks for sharing dear friend. Sending biiig hugs to you sweetie

  4. Sweet, sweet Eli. Such a loving celebration of your grandfather. And my dear friend, you've so much of him in you for you have one o the biggest hearts I know of. And you brighten up the blogworld with your warmth and kindness. So yes, you have so much of your grandfather in you.

    Take care sweet Eli.♥


    1. Oh, my dear friend. Right back at you. Love your blog, and love how you embrace life. Sending you big hugs sweetie:-)

  5. Such a lovely post and beautiful photos, Eli! Thank you so much for sharing.

  6. Such a great man, your grandfather Eli :) Grandparents always leave such indelible impression in our minds... And like you say lights form such a big part of both Diwali & Christmas... :)

  7. Beautifully woven story and message. Many festivals are symbolic for deeper messages. Some look deeper, some get stuck with the outer.

  8. I could see happiness and hope as I read along, Eli. Your grandfather was a wise man. Lovely post! :)

  9. A beautiful tribute. I didn't get to know either of my grandfathers well. One lived a thousand miles from me and the other died when I was 7. I'm sure both were full of wisdom. Too many of us put out other lights rather than being lights. My heritage, too, celebrates candles - we light them once a week, and also have an eight day holiday devoted to a miracle that occurred with oil candles. Alana

    1. Thanks for sharing, happy to see you here:-)

  10. I remember how fondly you spoke of your grandfather when we had met. Aren't we blessed to have such wise and sweet grandparents :) Will always remember this quote from him Eli ♥
    Wishing you love and light, always!

    1. Thanks a lot dear Aditi. Love and light back to you me dear friend. Big hugs

  11. What a beautiful and uplifting post! Thank you so much for sharing.

  12. You are so lucky to have had him as your grandfather, Eli. The light that such people give out shines long after they are gone. :)

  13. Grandparents are always special. My grandmom would also come up with the most apt quotes in her old time dialect. Their memories offer comfort long after they are gone.

    1. Thats true dear Tulika. Big hugs to you my dear friend

  14. this made me smile today. :)

  15. Beautiful, beautiful dear Eli. You just lighted a candle in my heart and lifted my spirits with this wonderful tribute to your grandfather. Thank you so very much... stay blessed my friend, here's sending love, lights and hugs your way. :-)

    1. Oh, sweetie, always so happy to see you here. Thanks for your kind words, and big hugs to you dear friend

  16. Just Loved reading this post Eli, I admire your grandfather, its truly a blessing to have persons like your grandfather inspiring and leaving you such wonderful moments and powerful words in your memory... my hugs to dear friend, I am sure he is watching from above and is proud of you as share his words: May God bless you !!

    1. Oh, thank you so much dear friend. Sending warm thoughts and hugs your way:-)


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