
G for Grateful

- What are you grateful for today? 

That, says my wise friend, is the question everyone should ask themselves every morning - and maybe every evening also. And make a habit of asking it, because it sets your mind at ease, and you focus on the positive things in your life. No matter how dark and gloomy it may seem, there is always something to be grateful for. 

- And if you don't believe me: Take a moment. Walk outside. Stand there in silence. Stare up towards the sky and think of things you are grateful for. I am sure you can find something.

And as I stand there with my eyes closed, and think of the things in my life that I am grateful for, I feel a huge smile spreading on my face. What happy thoughts. Because in a way it makes me think that what I have is Enough, because I have that, and that does make me content, peaceful and happy

Not focusing on what I don't have, because then maybe it will never be Enough. Not thinking of the bad memories from yesterday, nor the worries of tomorrow, but simply what I am grateful for. Right here. Right now. 

Grateful for that dark night that turned into yet another bright morning and for that happy dream that turned into reality. Grateful for noticing that little yellow flower growing against all odds, and for the sight of that lovely bird flying high up on the sky. Grateful for the people that I love. 

Grateful for the gift of another day. 

What are you grateful for today? Please share. 

1-30 April 2015 I participate in the A to Z blogger challenge, and this post is written as a part of that challenge.My theme for the challenge is Happiness. I hope you enjoy coming along. 


  1. We write gratitude lists. Today I am grateful for friends, old and new. Thanks for finding me again.

  2. I am grateful that I have found you and your blog, through this blogging challenge. One can never have enough positive energy in our lives. Thanks for your practical and important advice.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words Tom. I so appreciate it:-)

  3. I agree, Eli. There is always something to be grateful for. :) I recently started writing a gratitude journal and it has changed my attitude towards life significantly. Btw, I chose Gratitude for G too. :)
    *Shantala @ ShanayaTales*

    1. Thats a great idea:-) Thanks for visiting - off to check out your gratitude:-) Hugs

  4. True...Gratitude is the best way to connect with the Divine. Among the many things, Im grateful for this blogging platform, too!

  5. It's dusk and the wallabies are appearing outside my study window, bouncing along our fenceline... Teasing the dogs.., so funny... I'm grateful that I get to live in this amazing piece of the world.

    1. Thanks for sharing - happy to see you here:-)

  6. Gratitude is one the most beautiful disposition and I totally agree with you ; gratitude energises and fills with optimism, I am learning to be grateful all the time; I also write a gratitude list every month and blog; and ensure that I sleep with gratitude and rise with gratitude. gratitude has kept me happy, thanks for sharing

    1. Thanks for sharing. Always so happy to see your encouraging words:-)

  7. This question can change so much in our life, right? I have started writing down things that I am grateful for and things that make me happy everyday. It feels so good :)

    God is a Gamer

  8. Gratitude fosters positive thinking which is always a good thing. Today I am thankful for a relatively easy day at work.

  9. I am grateful for my mom's good health and my family's unconditional love.

    1. Thats wonderful dear Sulekha. Best to you:-)

  10. Grateful for been here at this moment. :)

  11. I always say a thank you prayer before sleeping. It's something I have been doing since childhood. Somehow that keeps me grounded and grateful for everything I have.

    1. Thats amazing Raj. Thanks for visiting, and sharing:-)

  12. Great thought. We forget to be grateful for so many things in life and start taking them for granted. Today, I am grateful for a fun day at work. :)

    1. True:-) Happy to see you here, and thanks for sharing:-)

  13. I am grateful for another day. Though not grateful for the weather... oh well. Work in progress :)
    thank you for the post!

    1. Thank you for visiting and thanks for sharing:-)

  14. I especially loved the quotes this time :) Great thoughts, Eli :)

  15. Every time we should be grateful for something. Maybe good or bad. If we can't, we should be grateful that we are alive. I wrote a gratitude letter to my parents. I have written about the experience. Check out if time permits: http://pratikkirve.blogspot.in/2015/04/gratitude-letter.html

    1. Thanks for sharing Pratik:-) Happy you are visiting my blog. Will check out yours.

  16. I ask myself that question everyday and no matter what there is always something to be grateful for. Today I am grateful for my little family. Happy A-Z Challenge!

    1. That is lovely. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the challenge:-)

  17. Great quote from Alan Cohen. I got to meet him once at a workshop! Grateful for a good house to live in. So many friends are struggling to find a place to rent right now.
    Maui Jungalow

    1. True Courtney. Happy to see you here:-)

  18. I love the idea of giving gratitude for what I have not only at night before I go to bed/asleep, but also in the morning! I will have to remember that one as I am rushing (usually) to get ready for the day! Thanks for sharing! :) <3

    1. Thats great Elly. Thanks for sharing:-)

  19. True. It doesnt take much to be happy! And there's a lot for us to be thankful for, and even when we face challenging times. The attitude of gratitude is a habit that’s worth cultivating. I have a gratitude journal and it keeps me grounded and happy too! :)

    1. Thank you so much for sharing Shilpa. As always, so happy to see you here. What a great idea with a gratitude journal:-)

  20. Dearest Eli,
    So happy to see you back here! Welcome to the writing world; where you belong after all!
    This year, I'm very grateful for having had my dear Mom for almost 64 years... Very fond memories remain forever inside my heart. It is great for going back in time, with my baby-sister; even if it eats up big part of our weeks but than, this is probably the best balm for a grieving soul.
    Hugs to you and happy Sunday. So where are you right now?


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